portrait of galsho


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- About me -

I am an older individual that has been in the tech space since, geez probably the age of 13. I started at that age in the freelance (sorta) building and helping others with these types of sites first with Angelfire and GeoCities etc.

Then I got into the hardware side around the dot com crash. Then I got my first "corporate" job as a suedo help desk job. This got me into Web Development again before switching to the datebase side with mostly SQL stuff.

As of today I am back in Web Dev where I feel I belong. It's my first love in tech. So this website is (yes) a archive for stuff I find interesting or content I create and post myself, but it is also a tribute to those old styles of sites from Angelfire and Geocities.

Like most others on this platform (NeoCities) it personally makes me happy and excited that people are getting back into these types of sites. It is more personal and you can go down several rabbit holes, which are really fun. But I feel the internet is shrinking through consolidation of bigger companies aquiring other companies and most "normie" people seem to only go on a few big name sites now a days.

Anyways, other than tech related things I am very passionate about music and other content creative things like painting / drawing, photography, and 3D modeling.

I also love animals and appreciate all living things. There's so much you can learn from other peoples experiences or culture through travel. There are many places I still haven't visited. It always feels like there's not enough time in the day or even year!

I could go on and on but this is a good summary for now. I just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my site and even reading this page. If you want to leave a message or suggestion just visit my Guestbook or add me on Steam. My friend code is: 5335107.

This is really fun to make a bare-bones HTML/CSS website that is clean and loads fast.
(that was my goal)

Copyright © 2024 - This site will serve as a dump for links, articles on various things of interest as well as photography and links to several things for a personal archive.